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Periodical: Spiritisti

Summary: From Pat Deveney's database:

A spiritualist journal for handling spiritism and related psychic questions.
1909--1913 Monthly
Helsinki, Finaland.
Language: Finnish.
Editor: Jalo Kivi (Jaako Jalmari Jalo-Kivi).
1/1, 1909-spring 1913.

This was the organ of the Finnish Spiritualist Society. As Kaarina Koski has noted, the journal was antagonistic toward both Christianity and Theosophy but of necessity (it had only about 200 subscribers) had to appeal to adherents of both to survive. Contributions by Martti Humu, who had edited Omatunto. The journal had a question column, answers for which were said to have come from the spirits. The journal closed in 1913 for financial reasons. Advertised in Tietaja in February 1909. National Library of Finland.

Issues:Spiritisti V1 N1 Jan 1909
Spiritisti V1 N2 Feb 1909
Spiritisti V1 N3 Mar 1909
Spiritisti V1 N4 Apr 1909
Spiritisti V1 N5 May 1909
Spiritisti V1 N6 Jun 1909
Spiritisti V1 N7 Jul 1909
Spiritisti V1 N8 Aug 1909

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