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Periodical: Spiritisme Christique

Summary: From Pat Deveney's database:

Spiritisme Christique, Le.
Bulletin Mensuel / Périodique de Vulgarisation.
1937 Monthly
Casablanca, Morocco.
Language: French.
1/1, April 1937. 20 pp., distributed free by the Centre de Doctrine et de Sciences Spirites in Casablanca.

The Centre was started by Maria Munoz, and its journal printed the spirit communications received by writing and speaking mediums at its weekly seances. The work has been continued by the Centre Spirite Christique Maria Munoz in Tours, founded in 2007, which currently publishes a journal of the same name. Munoz was a Spanish-born healing medium.

Issues:Spiritisme Christique May 1937

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