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Periodical: Source de Vie Eternelle

Summary: From Pat Deveney's database:

Source de Vie Eternelle.
Bulletin des Invisibles a leurs Freres Terriens.
Amour, Charite, Fraternite, Solidarite
1909 Monthly
Lyon, France.
Language: French.
Editor: Mme Ambroisine Dayt, Mme Stephen Vire et Mlle. Claire Monin.
1/1, January 1909. Distributed free of charge.

The journal was reproduced from typewritten pages and bears no editor's name or place or date of publication. The surviving pages of the journal, which seem to have come from at least two issues, are dated from 1909 to 1912 (with a poem on an isolated page dated 1928) and are impossible to separate into issues. The pages are bound with various pious handwritten notes. The journal contained a poem by A. Laurent de Faget, who had edited Le Spiritisme and Progres Spirite, extracts from Leon Denis, and regular and frequent communications, prayers, and "counsels" dictated by the "bons anges" of various mediums. The majority of the surviving content is long extract from Prentice Mulford's "Vos Forces et le Moyen de les Utiliser."

Issues:Source De Vie Eternelle 1910

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