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Periodical: La Sombra de Hidalgo

Summary: From Pat Deveney's database:

Sombra de Hidalgo, La.
Periodico semanario, dedicado exclusivamenta ala defensa del Espiritismo.
Justicia, Equidad y Amor
1894--1895 Weekly
Hidalgo, Mexico.
Language: Spanish.
Editor: Hipolito Salazar.
1/1, July 15, 1894-September 15, 1895.
4 pp. One centave each for past issues and 25 centavos each in Mexico City and 50 centavos beyond.

The "defensive" purpose of the journal was noticed in the Banner of Light, November, 24, 1894: "To combat with energy the errors inculcated by bigoted religions; to uphold the banner of liberalism; to oppose with vigor, fanaticism, theocracy and every form of tyranny." It serialized the spirit communication "Roma y el Evangelio" every week and carried the interesting "La Papisa Juana, Su Reencarnacion" on mediums' investigation of a newborn infant. Hemeroteca Nacional de Mexico.

Issues:Sombra de Hidalgo V1 N1 Jul 15 1894
Sombra de Hidalgo V2 N10 Sep 15 1895

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