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Periodical: El Siglo Espirita

Summary: From Pat Deveney's database:

Siglo Espirita, El.
Organo de la Junta Central Permanente del Primer Congreso Nacional Espirita y de la Confederacion- Espirita Mexicana [y de la Federacion y Confederacion Espiritas Mexicana y Latino Americano].
1906—1950s? Bimonthly, monthly
Mexico, D.F., Mexico.
Language: Spanish.
Editor: Antonio Becerra y Castro, director; Enrique Velasquez; Antonio Becerra y Castro; Jose Salvadores Botas, editors.
Succeeded by: Helios (1911-1916) —> Siglo Espirita
1/1, 1906-April 30, 1911.
8 pp.

The journal began as the organ of the Junta Central Permanente of the first Mexican spiritualist congress. In 1911 the journal began monthly publication under the name Helios, as the organ of the second Mexican spiritualist congress of 1908, with Velasquez as the first editor. From August 1909 to September 1910 the journal published in installments El heraldo_ultratumba, Alma y sus Manifestaciones by Alex Blunck, and was publishing another book in installments when, in 1911, it changed its name to Helios. At some point, perhaps after the demise of Helios in 1916, the journal reappeared as a third series that preserved the volume numbering of the original, again under the editorship of Enrique Velazques. This third series is presents a version of spiritualism far closer to the original Kardecist approach and more removed from the broader, occult approach of the original journal. Noted in Emeterio Tellez, Bibliografia Filosofica Mexicana, vol. 2 (1913); Humilidade, 1907; La Evolucion (Barcelona), 1911, as changing its name to Helios; and in Hartmann’s Who’s Who, 1925. University of Texas, Austin.

Issues:Siglo Espirita 3S V19 N25 UNKNOWN 1925
Siglo Espirita 3S V20 N11 Dec 15 1925

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