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Periodical: Seculo XX

Summary: From Pat Deveney's database:

Seculo XX.
Orgao Spiríta da Sociedade Spiríta Concordia.
1885 Semimonthly
Campos, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Language: Portuguese.
1/1, April 13, 1885.
8 pp., free of charge.

The journal in its first (and perhaps only) issue proclaimed that: "Unfurling the banner of reform it came to fight for the interests of a healthy propaganda throughout the world by the work of the workers of spiritualism." "Healthy" propaganda meant that "blind faith" [i.e., Catholicism] was to be replaced by the scientific teachings brought by spiritualism, to which alone men should give their faith. This was buttressed by excerpts from C. Flammarion, Victor Hugo, Victorien Sardou, Lucretius, et al.

Issues:Seculo Xx V1 N1 Apr 13 1885

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