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Periodical: The Instructive Light


From Pat Deveney's journal database:

Scientific and Literary Messenger, The.
Devoted to Astro-Meteorology, Astronomy, Predictory Astronomy, Astrology, Geology, Botany, Chemistry, and Phisical Sciences.
1842 Monthly
London, England. Publisher: Simpkin, Marshall & Co.. Editor: W.J. Simmonite.

1/1, January 1842. 24 pp. Simmonite's preface to the bound volume of the journal notes that he would have completed the first volume in 1842 but was delayed "from lengthened and serious affliction," and that his plans to continue the journal monthly at 4d. a number would be put off until he could obtain the names of 150 persons who would take 4 copies each at 1s. per month. On Simmonite and his horary astrology, see the note under Quarterly Celestial Philosopher. BL

Issues:Scientific and Literary Messenger V1 1842

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