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Periodical: Science of Health

Summary:  From Pat Deveney's database:

Science of Health.
A New Monthly Devoted to Health on Hygienic Principles.
Nature’s Remedial Agencies are Light, Air, Temperature, Electricity, Diet, Bathing, Sleep, Exercise and Rest
1872--1876 Monthly
New York, NY. Publisher: S.R. Wells. Succeeded by: Phrenological Journal and Life Illustrated (absorbed this journal in July 1876)
1/1, July 1872-July 1876. $1.50-$2.00 a year.

The journal proclaimed that "Its object is to teach the Science of Life, including the Laws which Govern it, and all that relates to the Art of Recovering and Preserving Health." The science, in turn, was compounded of the practical, experimental reform medical lessons of Thomsonianism, water-cure, Sylvester Graham’s Science of Human Life, hygieo-therapy, and, of course, phrenology, all buttressed by strenuous opposition to tobacco and alcohol and other pleasures of the unenlightened and wholehearted endorsement of the sanitary. The journal originally was published independently of Wells’ Phrenological journal and in July 1876 was absorbed into that journal. The title of this journal reappeared in 1882 when the conjoined journal began to appear as Phrenological Journal and Science of Health. American Antiquarian Society; Furman University; University of Evansville, etc.

Issues:Science of Health V3 1873
Science of Health V4 1874

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