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Periodical: Science Astrale

Summary:  From Pat Deveney's database:

Science Astrale, La.
Revue consacree a l'etude pratique de l'Astrologie / Revue consacree a l'etude pratique de l'Astrologie et des sciences similaires (physiognomonie, chiromancie, graphologie) / Revue mensuelle theorique et pratique et des sciences astrologiques accessoires, physiognomonie, phrenologie, chiromancie, graphologie.
1904—1907 Monthly
Paris, France. Language: French. Publisher: Bibliothèque Chacornac. Editor: F.-Ch. Barlet (Albert Faucheux).
1/1, January 1904-1907. 48 pp., 10 francs a year.

It announced as its goal "to demonstrate the exactitude of teaching and perfecting, by practice, the science of astrology and related interests (physiognomy, phrenology, chiromancy)." It is also proposed to develop in the journal the consequences and the scientific, moral and social application of these areas." In addition to strictly astrological matter, the journal carried a "Partie Philosophique" which regularly carried Barlet’s own articles. Barlet, in addition to his other claims to our attention, was the reviver of astrology in France. Noted in Monde Occulte, 1904. BNF.

Issues:Science Astrale V1 1904
Science Astrale V2 1905
Science Astrale V3 1906

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