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Periodical: Ruusu-Risti

Summary:  From Pat Deveney's database:

Ruusu-Risti [Rose-Cross].
Okkultinen Aikakauskirja [Occult Magazine].
1920 Monthly
Helsinki, Finland. Language: Finnish.
Editor: Pekka Ervast; Eino Krohn.
Succeeds: Omatuntu—>Tietaja
17/1, January 1921.
Smk. 50 ($4.00 U.S.) a year.

The first volume is called 17th year because the journal continues the numbering of Ervast’s Omatunto—>Tietaja. Pekka Ervast, the editor, was a prominent Theosophist and had started Ruusu-Risti as a Theosophical association within the Theosophical Society, part of the then current Besant/Leadbeater effort to bring Rosicrucianism under the aegis of the Society. The journal was Theosophical and carried in its early issues frequent contributions by Annie Besant and C.W. Leadbeater, but was devoted to occultism generally. It written largely by Finnish authors, although it carried excerpts from the writings of H.P. Blavatsky, Bo Yin Ra, Dion Fortune, P.G. Bowen, and H. Spencer Lewis.

Issues:Ruusu-risti 1921-1925
Ruusu-risti 1926-1930
Ruusu-risti 1931-1935
Ruusu-risti 1936-1939

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