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Periodical: La Ruche Spirite Bordelaise)

Summary  From Pat Deveney's database:

Ruche Spirite Bordelaise, La.
Revue de l'Enseignement des Esprits.
1863--1865 Semi-monthly
Bordeaux, France. Language: French. Editor: Emile Sabo, then Sabo, Auguste Bez and J. Chapelot. Succeeded by: L'Union Spirite Bordelaise (formed by merger of La Ruche Spirite, Sauveur des Peoples and Voix d'outre-Tombe) Corporate author: Societe spirite de Bordeaux
1/1, June 1, 1863-May 1865. 16 pp, 9 1/2 x 6. 6-8 francs a year.

The first issue published a letter of advice from Allan Kardec and placed itself under the aegis of his "spiritism"--a fact noted with satisfaction by the Revue Spirite in its June 1863 number. Sabo claimed that the idea of the journal came from his guardian spirit, Saint Louis, and it was largely given over, in the Kardecist fashion, to short paragraphs received from the society's spirits, and longer disquisitions on morality, religion and abstract philosophical questions. The Society's mediums were usually three unknowns: Henri Ganipel, M. Lescouzeres, and Mme Cazemajour. The journal also carried a contribution from a "Esprit typteur." By 1864, there were three spiritist journals in Bordeaux, and Sabo notes in the last issue (May 1865) of this journal that the work had become too much to handle. He had become the secretary of Kardec, and Bez, who had been editing the Voix d'Outre-Tombe, had moved to Paris as well to edit Revelations d'Outre-Tombe, so the decision was made to merge the three existing journals into the new L'Union Spirite Bordelais under the direction of Bez. BNF.

Issues:Ruche Spirite Bordelaise V1 N1-24 Jun 1863 - May 1864
Ruche Spirite Bordelaise V2 N1-24 Jun 1864 - May 1865

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This page was updated on 10-Apr-21