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Periodical: Rincarnazione

Summary: From Pat Deveney's database:

Rivista di Cultura Spirituale.
1924 Bimonthly, quarterly
Palermo, Italy.
Language: Italian.
Editor: T. Virzi.
1/1, January-February, 1924.
36 pp.

This was the Italian manifestation of the Theosophical Legion of Karma and Reincarnation, founded in Chicago by Weller Van Hook. Contributions by the usual Theosophists: Annie Besant, C.W. Leadbeater, et al., as well as excerpts from J.J. Van Der Leeuw, Ynat Khan, Leon Denis, Henri Durville, Rabindranath Tagore, H.W. Dresser, G.R.S. Mead, Irving S. Cooper , and others. Noted in Bolletino dell' Accademia Internazionale per gli Studi psycologici. Despite the journal’s close connection with the lights of Neo-Theosophy, it found space for more general articles on subjects as diverse as methods for using a medium to contact a person far off, "The Thought of Mazzini," and "The Secret of Immortality." T. Virzi was the head of the little-known Theosophical Ordine del caavaliere Ideale. ACNP: Biblioteca Universitaria di Bologna.

Issues:Rincarnazione V1 1924
Rincarnazione V2 1925
Rincarnazione V3 1926
Rincarnazione V4 1927

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