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Periodical: Revue Spirite

Summary:  From Pat Deveney's database:

Revue Spirite, La.
Journal d'Etudes psychologiques et de spiritualisme experimental / Repertoire du spiritisme.
Other titles: Repertoire du Spiritisme
1858 Monthly, semi-monthly 1884-1889, bimonthly after WWII
Paris, France. Language: French.
Editor: Allan Kardec (Hippolyte Rivail), founder and editor until 1869; Pierre-Gaëtan Leymarie (1870-1901); Paul Leymarie, Leopold Dauvil (1901-1914); Jean Meyer and Paul Leymarie, then Meyer alone with Pascal Forthuny (1917-1931); Henri Rousseau; Hubert Forestier (1931-1971); Andre A. Dumas (1971-1976); Roger Perez (1990-2011).
Succeeds: Revue Scientifique et Morale du Spiritisme (absorbed 1926)
Succeeded by: Renaître 2000-->Revue Spirite
1/1, January 1858-current.
Initially, 10 francs a year for France and Algeria; 12 francs for Europe; and 14 francs for the Americas.

The journal was suspended after the issue for August-September 1915 and then revived in 1917 after it was purchased from Paul Leymarie by the Swiss Jean Meyer. It was suspended again from May 1940 to November 1947, and then revived in bimonthly format. From 1882 to 1883, the journal distributed free to its subscribers copies of Charles Fauvety's Bulletin de la Societe Scientifique d'Etudes Psychologique, published in mid-month. The journal is unique in that it has passed its 150th year of publication, albeit with several gaps, and has spawned a host of offspring and congeners internationally. It is not "spiritualist" in the sense familiar to English-speakers but "spiritist"-- devoted to the teachings received from the spirits by "Allan Kardec" (Hippolyte Leon Denizard Rivail, October 3, 1804-March 31 1869). Kardec chose the term "spiritisme" because, to his mind, the word "spiritualism" was merely the opposite of "materialism" (akin to idealism), while "spiritism" specifically evoked the reality of intercourse with the spirits of the dead. Kardec was a teacher of socialist tendencies who became interested in spiritualism in 1854 and brought to his new interest a degree of organization that spiritualism had lacked before. Kardec was never a medium himself, and relied initially on the the planchette communications of the daughters of a M. Baudin and the communications of Celina Bequet (who called herself Celina Japhet) who was entranced by M. Roustan. Kardec formalized a procedure of interrogating the spirits on the basis of prepared questions and of categorizing and organizing the responses given. His Book of Spirits (1857) set out the teachings received, and the Book of Mediums (1861) laid out the methods of developing mediums and, in detail, of holding seances. Both have been in print in a variety of languages ever since, along with Kardec's other books. The reform-minded and socialistic nature of the teachings of Kardec's spirits has been seen as the reason that spiritism in French-speaking Europe was predominantly a working-class phenomenon, but the distinctions between spiritism and spiritualism are deeper than that, and in any case most spiritualists were "reformers" of one stripe or another. To the contemporary English- and German-speaking spiritualists, the chief divide separating spiritism from spiritualism was the former's general insistence on the anonymity of mediums and avoidance of "phenomena," and Kardec's doctrine of reincarnation (a doctrine with antecedents in French socialism), but the divide continued (and continues) even after reincarnation had become a staple in England and America through the influence of Theosophy and other orientalist strains generally in the last quarter of the nineteenth century. Spiritism was above all "scientific," and saw in the properly obtained teachings of the spirits the perfect rational resolution to the problems confronting the world, but it achieved this scientific result through a degree of control, exclusion and repression that shocked the non-spiritists, though it was obviously more congenial to those of a nineteenth-century Catholic background, since spiritism early on settled on the "doctrine" embodied in the almost sacred writings of Kardec and in the first twelve volumes of the Revue Spirite (those published before his death). Variant teachings, those received from "wild spirits" and conflicting with the canon of revelation in Kardec's works, were excluded by definition and the purity of the teaching was ensured even after the movement had spread beyond Paris by the requirement that seances begin with a reading of selections from Kardec's writings and that questions to mediums be approved in advance by the group's leaders. The journal in April 1866 (111-116), for example, in discussing a proposed "Independent Journal of Spiritism," rejected the notion out of hand: "What is independent spiritism? Independent of what? . . . It is spiritism freed not only from the instruction of the spirits, but of all direction or personal supremacy, from all subordination to the instructions of a chief . . . ." This censorious approach led the journal to ignore almost completely its contemporary La Revue Spiritualiste (a "spiritualist" journal, as its name indicates) even though both were published in Paris.

The Revue Spirite before Kardec's death strongly discouraged the sort of phenomenalistic approach that predominated in American spiritualist journals. In May 1863, for example, it discussed La Table Parlante, a pre-Kardecist French journal that had featured the phenomena of mediumship, and condemned it outright. "We have futilely reviewed it looking for something to include in our Revue; everything we might have used would be considered puerile and without interest today. If this journal had not ceased appearing . . . it could only have survived by placing itself on the plane of the progress of science, and, if it appeared today in the same condition as formerly, it wouldn't have 50 subscribers. Spiritists are far more numerous now than then, it is true--enlightened, and seeking a more substantial teaching." (157-158)

To some extent this disdainful approach to phenomena was curtailed under Kardec's successor and ignored by his followers in other countries, such as Antonio Torres-Solanot y Casas, the director of El Criterio Espiritista and other journals in Spain. On Kardec's death in 1869, the movement faced a crisis triggered by lack of a leader and by conflicts over the disposition of the considerable income derived from Kardec's works. The latter problem was resolved by incorporating an entity capitalized at 40,000 francs (40 shares of 1,000 francs each), presumably with Kardec's widow retaining some financial control. Pierre-Gaetan Leymarie (1817-1901), a medium who had been involved with the Revue Spirite since its beginning, was chosen as editor in chief--a position he held until his death more than thirty years later (when the editorship was assumed by his wife, Marina). Leymarie, while preserving the purity of Kardec's doctrine, spiced up the Revue Spirite with more accounts of "phenomena," and was far more open about the socialist teachings of the spirits (Leymarie was a socialist, secularist and anticlerical and had been exiled for "republican" proclivities after the failed coup d'etat of 1857--he spent the time in Brazil), and very actively promoted spiritism to the public. In the early 1870s, Leymarie had teamed up with Edouard Isidore Buguet (1840- ), a photographer, and Alfred Firman, an American medium, to promote "spirit photographs." The price ranged from 20 to 4,000 francs. Leymarie's role, apparently, was to advertise the new enterprise, and he featured the photographs in the Revue Spirite and sent them to the leading spiritualist journals with his glowing recommendations. See "French Photographs," Banner of Light 35/13 (June 27, 1875): 1. This venture came undone after a raid on Buguet's studio turned up dummies and photographs of likely-looking "spirit" heads, suitable for double exposing. Leymarie and Buguet were sentenced to a year in jail, together with a substantial fine, and Firman received six months in jail. The spiritualists of the world united in condemning the trial, and Leymarie always proclaimed his innocence, though at very least, he was foolish to support so unreservedly Buguet's powers. G.L. Ditson, reviewing Leymmarie's wife's Proces des Spirites quoted tellingly the testimony of one of the witnesses at the trial, that Leymarie was "not a cheat, but an imbecile." Ditson, "Proces des Spirites, Edite par Madame P.G. Laymarie," Banner of Light 37/23 (September 4, 1875): 1. Buguet jumped bail and fled to Belgium, Firman went on to become a well-known materializing medium (paid, allegedly, $12,000 a year for his services by Count de Bullet), and Leymarie managed to escape serving his year's sentence and returned to his work at the Revue Spirite, apparently without a qualm being expressed in the world of the spiritists--though D.D. Home voiced his reservations. Madame H.P. Blavatsky, who had known Leymarie from her days in Paris in 1873, defended him wholeheartedly, blaming the Jesuits for his problems, and Leymarie returned the favor in his journal with significant contributions on and about her and her new society. Her own proposed journal in Cairo, La Revue Spirite du Caire, from its title was undoubtedly to be patterned on the journal published by Kardec and Leymarie.

In the late 1870s and early 1880s, the journal published considerable material on H.P. Blavatsky and the Theosophical Society, and as the century progressed, it increasingly opened its pages to the efforts of parapsychologists and psychical researchers and even occultists, and Victor Hugo and the astronomer Camille Flammarion contributed to it. In its early days the journal carried contributions by and reviews of the work of Eugene Crowell, Rene Caillie, Jules Doine, and many others. The journal was interrupted by the First World War and then re-instituted and re-invigorated in 1917 under the care of Leon Denis and financially supported by Jean Meyer. It was suspended again from 1940 to 1947 (during which time the editor published Les Cahiers du Spiritisme), and temporarily ceased publication (1976-1990) when it was combined with Survie and absorbed into Renâitre 2000 in a fight between "spiritualists" or "spiritists" and those more inclined to view the subject as a branch of psychical research. After a legal battle over the name the journal was revived in late 1989 under its original name and continues today as a glossy, four-color magazine.

The Revue Spirite is published today in a variety of translations into Spanish and Portuguese and other languages, notably in Esperanto: Spiritisma Revuo. Oficiala organo de la internacia spiritisma konsilio kaj de la france kaj franclingua spiritisma unuigo por la diskonigo de la sciencaj kaj moralaj valoroj de la spiritisma doktrion. The Annales du Spiritisme for May 1926 notes "Revues Spirites" in Barcelona, Montevideo, Lisbon, Mattao (Brazil), Rotterdam, and d'Anvers. Crabtree 1215. NYPL; Yale University; LOC; Harvard University; University of Minnesota; Trinity College, Dublin; University of Manchester; Biblioteca Nacional de Chile; and other locations in OCLC; ZDB: Freiburg Inst Grenzgeb Psychol; Saarbrücken UuLB; München UB; Berlin SBB Haus Potsdamer Str; Dusseldorf UuLB.

Issues:Revue Spirite V1 1858
Revue Spirite V2 1859
Revue Spirite V5 1862
Revue Spirite V6 1863
Revue Spirite V8 1865
Revue Spirite V9 1866
Revue Spirite V10 N1 Jan 1867
Revue Spirite V10 N2 Feb 1867
Revue Spirite V10 N3 Mar 1867
Revue Spirite V10 N4 Apr 1867
Revue Spirite V10 N5 May 1867
Revue Spirite V10 N6 Jun 1867
Revue Spirite V10 N7 Jul 1867
Revue Spirite V10 N8 Aug 1867
Revue Spirite V10 N9 Sep 1867
Revue Spirite V10 N10 Oct 1867
Revue Spirite V10 N11 Nov 1867
Revue Spirite V10 N12 Dec 1867
Revue Spirite V10 1867 Wrappers
Revue Spirite V11 N1 Jan 1868 Index
Revue Spirite V11 N2 Feb 1868
Revue Spirite V11 N3 Mar 1868
Revue Spirite V11 N4 Apr 1868
Revue Spirite V11 N5 May 1868
Revue Spirite V11 N6 Jun 1868
Revue Spirite V11 N7 Jul 1868
Revue Spirite V11 N8 Aug 1868
Revue Spirite V11 N9 Sep 1868
Revue Spirite V11 N10 Oct 1868
Revue Spirite V11 N11 Nov 1868
Revue Spirite V11 N12 Dec 1868
Revue Spirite V12 N1 Jan 1869
Revue Spirite V12 N2 Jfeb 1869
Revue Spirite V12 N3 Mar 1869
Revue Spirite V12 N4 Apr 1869
Revue Spirite V12 N5 May 1869
Revue Spirite V12 N6 Jun 1869
Revue Spirite V12 N8 Aug 1869
Revue Spirite V12 N10 Oct 1869
Revue Spirite V12 N11 Nov 1869
Revue Spirite V12 N12 Dec 1869
Revue Spirite V11-12 1868-1869 Index
Revue Spirite V13 N2 Feb 1870
Revue Spirite V13 N4 Apr 1870
Revue Spirite V13 N6 Jun 1870
Revue Spirite V13 N7 Jul 1870
Revue Spirite V13 N9 Sep 1870
Revue Spirite V13 N11 Nov 1870
Revue Spirite V13 1870 Index
Revue Spirite V14 N2 Feb 1871
Revue Spirite V14 N3 Mar 1871
Revue Spirite V14 N5 May 1871
Revue Spirite V14 N7 Jul 1871
Revue Spirite V14 N8 Aug 1871
Revue Spirite V14 N9 Sep 1871
Revue Spirite V14 N11 Nov 1871
Revue Spirite V14 N12 Dec 1871
Revue Spirite V14 1871 Index
Revue Spirite V15 N1 Jan 1872
Revue Spirite V15 N2 Feb 1872
Revue Spirite V15 N3 Mar 1872
Revue Spirite V15 N4 Apr 1872
Revue Spirite V15 N5 May 1872
Revue Spirite V15 N6 Jun 1872
Revue Spirite V15 N7 Jul 1872
Revue Spirite V15 N8 Aug 1872
Revue Spirite V15 N9 Sep 1872
Revue Spirite V15 N10 Oct 1872
Revue Spirite V15 N11 Nov 1872
Revue Spirite V16 N2 Feb 1873
Revue Spirite V16 N3 Mar 1873
Revue Spirite V16 N4 Japr 1873 Index
Revue Spirite V16 N5 May 1873
Revue Spirite V16 N6 Jun 1873
Revue Spirite V16 N7 Jul 1873
Revue Spirite V16 N8 Aug 1873
Revue Spirite V16 N9 Sep 1873
Revue Spirite V16 N11 Nov 1873
Revue Spirite V16 N12 Dec 1873
Revue Spirite V16 N1 Jan 1873 Index
Revue Spirite V16 N1 Jan 1873 Index2
Revue Spirite V17 N2 Feb 1874
Revue Spirite V17 N3 Mar 1874
Revue Spirite V17 N4 Apr 1874
Revue Spirite V17 N5 May 1874
Revue Spirite V17 N6 Jun 1874
Revue Spirite V17 N7 Jul 1874
Revue Spirite V17 N8 Aug 1874
Revue Spirite V17 N9 Sep 1874
Revue Spirite V17 N10 Oct 1874
Revue Spirite V17 N11 Nov 1874
Revue Spirite V17 N12 Dec 1874
Revue Spirite V17 N1 Jan 1874 Index
Revue Spirite V18 N2 Feb 1875
Revue Spirite V18 N3 Mar 1875
Revue Spirite V18 N4 Apr 1875
Revue Spirite V18 N5 May 1875
Revue Spirite V18 N6 Jun 1875
Revue Spirite V18 N7 Jul 1875
Revue Spirite V18 N8 Aug 1875
Revue Spirite V18 N9 Sep 1875
Revue Spirite V18 N10 Oct 1875
Revue Spirite V18 N11 Nov 1875
Revue Spirite V18 N12 Dec 1875
Revue Spirite V18 N1 Jan 1875 Index
Revue Spirite V19 N1 Jan 1876 Index
Revue Spirite V19 N2 Ffeb 1876
Revue Spirite V19 N3 Mar 1876
Revue Spirite V19 N4 Apr 1876
Revue Spirite V19 N5 May 1876
Revue Spirite V19 N6 Jun 1876
Revue Spirite V19 N7 Jul 1876
Revue Spirite V19 N8 Aug 1876
Revue Spirite V19 N9 Sep 1876
Revue Spirite V19 N10 Oct 1876
Revue Spirite V19 N11 Nov 1876
Revue Spirite V20 N1 Jan 1877
Revue Spirite V20 N2 Feb 1877
Revue Spirite V20 N3 Mar 1877
Revue Spirite V20 N4 Apr 1877
Revue Spirite V20 N5 May 1877
Revue Spirite V20 N6 Jun 1877
Revue Spirite V20 N7 Jul 1877
Revue Spirite V20 N8 Aug 1877
Revue Spirite V20 N9 Sep 1877
Revue Spirite V20 N10 Oct 1877
Revue Spirite V20 N11 Nov 1877
Revue Spirite V20 N12 Dec 1877
Revue Spirite V21 N1 Jan 1878
Revue Spirite V21 N2 Feb 1878
Revue Spirite V21 N3 Mar 1878
Revue Spirite V21 N4 Apr 1878
Revue Spirite V21 N5 May 1878
Revue Spirite V21 N6 Jun 1878
Revue Spirite V21 N7 Jul 1878
Revue Spirite V21 N8 Aug 1878
Revue Spirite V21 N9 Sep 1878
Revue Spirite V21 N10 Oct 1878
Revue Spirite V21 N11 Nov 1878
Revue Spirite V21 N12 Dec 1878
Revue Spirite V22 N1 Jan 1879
Revue Spirite V22 N2 Feb 1879
Revue Spirite V22 N3 Mar 1879
Revue Spirite V22 N4 Apr 1879
Revue Spirite V22 N5 May 1879
Revue Spirite V22 N6 Jun 1879
Revue Spirite V22 N7 Jul 1879
Revue Spirite V22 N8 Aug 1879
Revue Spirite V22 N9 Sep 1879
Revue Spirite V22 N10 Oct 1879
Revue Spirite V22 N11 Nov 1879
Revue Spirite V22 N12 Dec 1879
Revue Spirite V23 N1 Jan 1880
Revue Spirite V23 N2 Feb 1880
Revue Spirite V23 N3 Mar 1880
Revue Spirite V23 N4 Apr 1880
Revue Spirite V23 N5 May 1880
Revue Spirite V23 N6 Jun 1880
Revue Spirite V23 N7 Jul 1880
Revue Spirite V23 N8 Aug 1880
Revue Spirite V23 N9 Sep 1880
Revue Spirite V23 N10 Oct 1880
Revue Spirite V23 N11 Nov 1880
Revue Spirite V23 N12 Dec 1880
Revue Spirite V24 N1 Jan 1881
Revue Spirite V24 N2 Feb 1881
Revue Spirite V24 N3 Mar 1881
Revue Spirite V24 N4 Apr 1881
Revue Spirite V24 N5 May 1881
Revue Spirite V24 N6 Jun 1881
Revue Spirite V24 N7 Jul 1881
Revue Spirite V24 N8 Aug 1881
Revue Spirite V24 N9 Sep 1881
Revue Spirite V24 N10 Oct 1881
Revue Spirite V24 N11 Nov 1881
Revue Spirite V24 N12 Dec 1881
Revue Spirite V25 N1 Jan 1882
Revue Spirite V25 N2 Feb 1882
Revue Spirite V25 N3 Mar 1882
Revue Spirite V25 N4 Apr 1882
Revue Spirite V25 N5 May 1882
Revue Spirite V25 N6 Jun 1882
Revue Spirite V25 N7 Jul 1882
Revue Spirite V25 N8 Aug 1882
Revue Spirite V25 N9 Sep 1882
Revue Spirite V25 N10 Oct 1882
Revue Spirite V25 N11 Nov 1882
Revue Spirite V25 N12 Dec 1882
Revue Spirite V26 N1 Jan 1883
Revue Spirite V26 N2 Feb 1883
Revue Spirite V26 N3 Mar 1883
Revue Spirite V26 N4 Apr 1883
Revue Spirite V26 N5 May 1883
Revue Spirite V26 N6 Jun 1883
Revue Spirite V26 N7 Jul 1883
Revue Spirite V26 N8 Aug 1883
Revue Spirite V26 N9 Sep 1883
Revue Spirite V26 N11 Nov 1883
Revue Spirite V26 N12 Dec 1883
Revue Spirite V27 N1 Jan 1884
Revue Spirite V27 N2 Jan 1884
Revue Spirite V27 N4 Feb 1884
Revue Spirite V27 N5 Mar 1884
Revue Spirite V27 N6 Mar 1884
Revue Spirite V27 Nx Mar 1884
Revue Spirite V27 N7 Apr 1 1884
Revue Spirite V27 N8 Apr 15 1884
Revue Spirite V27 N10 May 15 1884
Revue Spirite V27 N11 Jun 1 1884
Revue Spirite V27 N12 Jun 15 1884
Revue Spirite V27 N13 Jul 1 1884
Revue Spirite V27 N14 Jul 15 1884
Revue Spirite V27 N15 Aug 1 1884
Revue Spirite V27 N16 Aug 15 1884
Revue Spirite V27 N17 Sep 1 1884
Revue Spirite V27 N18 Sep 15 1884
Revue Spirite V27 N19 Oct 1 1884
Revue Spirite V27 N20 Oct 15 1884
Revue Spirite V27 N21 Nov 1 1884
Revue Spirite V27 N22 Nov 15 1884
Revue Spirite V27 N23 Dec 1 1884
Revue Spirite V27 N24 Dec 15 1884
Revue Spirite V28 N1 Jan 1 1885
Revue Spirite V28 N2 Jan 15 1885
Revue Spirite V28 N3 Feb 1 1885
Revue Spirite V28 N4 Feb 15 1885
Revue Spirite V28 N5 Mar 1 1885
Revue Spirite V28 N6 Mar 15 1885
Revue Spirite V28 N7 Apr 1 1885
Revue Spirite V28 N8 Apr 15 1885
Revue Spirite V28 N9 May 1 1885
Revue Spirite V28 N10 May 15 1885
Revue Spirite V28 N11 Jun 1 1885
Revue Spirite V28 N12 Jun 15 1885
Revue Spirite V28 N13 Jul 1 1885
Revue Spirite V28 N14 Jul 15 1885
Revue Spirite V28 N15 Aug 1 1885
Revue Spirite V28 N16 Aug 15 1885
Revue Spirite V28 N17 Sep 1 1885
Revue Spirite V28 N18 Nov 15 1885
Revue Spirite V28 N19 Oct 1 1885
Revue Spirite V28 N20 Nov 15 1885
Revue Spirite V28 N21 Nov 1 1885
Revue Spirite V28 N22 Nov 15 1885
Revue Spirite V28 N23 Dec 1 1885
Revue Spirite V28 N24 Dec 15 1885
Revue Spirite V29 N2 Jan 15 1886
Revue Spirite V29 N3 Feb 1 1886
Revue Spirite V29 N4 Feb 15 1886
Revue Spirite V29 N5 Mar 1 1886
Revue Spirite V29 N6 Mar 15 1886
Revue Spirite V29 N7 Apr 1 1886
Revue Spirite V29 N8 Apr 15 1886
Revue Spirite V29 N9 May 1 1886
Revue Spirite V29 N10 May 15 1886
Revue Spirite V29 N11 Jun 1 1886
Revue Spirite V29 N12 Jul 16 1886
Revue Spirite V29 N13 Jul 1886
Revue Spirite V29 N13 Jul 1 1886
Revue Spirite V29 N14 Jul 15 1886
Revue Spirite V29 N15 Aug 1 1886
Revue Spirite V29 N16 Aug 15 1886
Revue Spirite V29 N17 Sep 1 1886
Revue Spirite V29 N18 Sep 1 1886
Revue Spirite V29 N1 Jan 1 1886 Index
Revue Spirite V29 N20 Oct 15 1886
Revue Spirite V29 N21 Nov 1 1886
Revue Spirite V29 N22 Nov 15 1886
Revue Spirite V29 N23 Dec 1 1886
Revue Spirite V29 N24 Dec 15 1886
Revue Spirite V30 1887
Revue Spirite V31 1888
Revue Spirite V32 1889
Revue Spirite V34 1891
Revue Spirite V35 1892
Revue Spirite V38 1895
Revue Spirite V39 1896
Revue Spirite V40 1897
Revue Spirite V41 N6 Jun 1898
Revue Spirite V42 1899
Revue Spirite V43 1900
Revue Spirite V44 1901
Revue Spirite V45 1902
Revue Spirite V46 1903
Revue Spirite V47 1904
Revue Spirite V48 N1 Jan 1905
Revue Spirite V48 N2 Feb 1905
Revue Spirite V49 1906
Revue Spirite V57 1914
Revue Spirite V58 Aug-sep 1915
Revue Spirite V61 1918
Revue Spirite V62 1919
Revue Spirite V63 1920
Revue Spirite V64 1921
Revue Spirite V65 1922
Revue Spirite V66 1923
Revue Spirite V67 1924
Revue Spirite V68 1925
Revue Spirite V69 1926
Revue Spirite V70 1927
Revue Spirite V71 1928
Revue Spirite V72 1929
Revue Spirite V73 1930
Revue Spirite V74 1931
Revue Spirite V75 1932
Revue Spirite V76 1933
Revue Spirite V77 1934
Revue Spirite V78 1935
Revue Spirite V79 1936
Revue Spirite V80 1937
Revue Spirite V81 1938
Revue Spirite V82 1939
Revue Spirite V83 1940
Revue Spirite V90 Nov-dec 1947
Revue Spirite V91 1948
Revue Spirite V92 1949
Revue Spirite V93 1950
Revue Spirite V94 1951
Revue Spirite V95 1952
Revue Spirite V96 1953
Revue Spirite V97 1954
Revue Spirite V98 1955
Revue Spirite V99 1956
Revue Spirite V100 1957
Revue Spirite V101 1958
Revue Spirite V102 1959

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This page was updated on 24-May-24