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Periodical: Revista Internacional do Espiritismo

Summary:  From Pat Deveney's database:

Revista Internacional do Espiritismo.
Publiçao mensal de estudos animicos e espiritas / Revista Mensal de Estudos Espiritas /Folheto mensal de Estudios Animicos e
Other titles: Revista Mensual de Estudios Espiritas
1925 Monthly
Matão, E. S. Paolo, Brazil. Language: Portuguese.
Editor: Cairbar Schutel; Jose da Costa Filho, A. Watson Campelo.
Publisher: Centro Espirita "Amantes da Pobreza".
1/1, February 1925-current.
24-32 pp., 24$000 a year in Brasil and 30$000 abroad.

This was a Kardecist spiritist journal with a considerable admixture of articles on famous spiritualists and investigators like Victor Hugo, Catulle Mendes, Gustave Geley, and notes on spiritualism and psychical research around the world. Schutel had been the founder of O Clarim and this was intended as the more scholarly companion of that popular journal. For Brazilian spiritualist journals generally and a partial list of journals, see the note under Eco de Alem-Tumulo. NYPL; LOC; University of Florida; University of Texas, Austin; Princeton Theological Seminary.

Issues:Revista Internacional do Espiritismo V1 N1 Feb 1925
Revista Internacional do Espiritismo V7 N10 Nov 1930
Revista Internacional do Espiritismo V12 N10 Nov 1360
Revista Internacional do Espiritismo V16 N6 Jul 1940
Revista Internacional do Espiritismo V18 N1 Feb 15 1942
Revista Internacional do Espiritismo V24 N11 Dec 1948
Revista Internacional do Espiritismo V34 N1 Feb 1958
Revista Internacional do Espiritismo V39 N1 Feb 1963

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