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Periodical: Revista Espirita [Rio de Janeiro]

Summary: From Pat Deveney's database:

Revista Espirita.
Publicao mensal de Estudos Psychologicos . Feita sob os Auspicios de Alguns Espiritas.
1875--1875 Monthly
Corte, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Language: Portuguese.
Editor: Dr. Antonio da Silva Netto.
1/1, January 1875.
32 pp. Six issues only.

This was the organ of the Sociedade de Estudos Espiriticos -- Grupo Confucio, of which Antonio da Silva Netto (1836-1905), a homeopath physician, was vice-president. The journal explicitly patterned itself after Allan Kardec's Revue Spirite, from which it copied freely, and opposed the "mystifications" of J.-B. Roustaing's deviations. The journal also, unusually, devoted space to magnetism and somnambulism and to mythology and popular legends. This was the second spiritualist journal in Brazil, after Echo d'Alem Tumulo. Noted in Augusto Victorino Alves Sacramento Blake, Diccionario Bibliographico Brazeiro (1883), 317, and in Spiritual Scientist, 4/20 (July 20, 1876): 238. A journal of the same name in Rio de Janeiro was being published in 1904, but it was not a continuation of this journal.

Issues:Revista Espirita Rio De Janeiro V1 N1 Jan 1875
Revista Espirita Rio De Janeiro V1 N2 Feb 1875
Revista Espirita Rio De Janeiro V1 N3 Mar 1875
Revista Espirita Rio De Janeiro V1 N4 Apr 1875
Revista Espirita Rio De Janeiro V1 N5 May 1875
Revista Espirita Rio De Janeiro V1 N6 Jun 1875

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