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Periodical: Le Revelateur

Summary:   From Pat Deveney's database:

Rwvwlateur, Le.
Journal de Magnétisme Animal.
1837—1838 Monthly
Bordeaux, France.
Language: French.
Editor: Jean-Joseph-Adolphe Ricard.
Publisher: Une société de magnétiseurs.
Succeeded by: Journal du Magnétisme Animal
1/1, November 1837-1/12, September 1838.
32 pp.

This was the reports of the weekly seances of the Bordeaux society. It was arranged as a series of lessons and also contained (“Faits”) reports of phenomena and letters from practitioners. Richard also wrote Physiologie et Hygiène du Magnétiseur: Régime Diétetique du Magnétisé (1844) on the desirability of baths, moderate exercise, fresh air, music, etc., for successful magnetic practice, and went on to edit Journal du Magnétisme Animal in 1839. Crabtree 388. BNF; ZDB: Freiburg Inst Grenzgeb Psychol; U Texas; Wellcome Library.

Issues:Revelateur V1 1837-38

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