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Periodical: Renovador

Summary: From Pat Deveney's database:

Renovador, O.
Orgao Spirita.
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Editor: Afonso Angeli Torteroli and Major Salustiano Monteiro de Barros.
Succeeds: Revista da Sociedade Academica Deus, Christo e Caridade
Succeeded by: Reformador
1/1, August 28, 1882.
6$000 a half year.

On Afonso Angeli Torteroli (1849-1928), see the note on Revista da Sociedade Academica. This was an interim journal published after the demise of the Revista da Sociedade and before the organizers of the society put out Reformador at the beginning of the next year. It contained the usual local news and Kardecist discussions of Progress, the Teachings of Spiritualism, Resurrection and Reincarnation, etc.

Issues:Renovador V1 N1 Aug 28 1882

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