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Periodical: Regenerador [Rio de Janeiro]

Summary: From Pat Deveney's database:

Regenerador, O.
Publicao Mensal. Orgam do Grupo Caridade nas Trevas.
1890 Monthly
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Language: Portuguese.
Editor: Abel a C. d'Araujo?.
1/1, September 1890.
4 pp., 2,000 rs. a year.

The journal contained translations of Allan Kardec's works, communications from spirit Magdalena to the group. This is probably the journal listed as adhering to the 1892 Spanish-American spiritualist congress convened by Fraternidad Universal in Madrid to honor the discovery of America. L'Initiation, February 1892, noted that the journal was publishing the works of Crookes on Psychic Force.

Issues:Regenerador Rio De Janeiro V1 N1 Sep 1 1890

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