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Periodical: Reformador (Rio de Janeiro)

Summary:  From Pat Deveney's database:

Orgam Evolucionista a Servico da Grande Causa / Orgao Religioso de Espiritismo Cristao.
Deus, Cristo e Caridade
1883 Semimonthly, monthly, then semimonthly
Corte, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Language: Portuguese.
Editor: Agusto Elias da Silva; Louis Barreto.
Succeeds: Revista Sociedade Academica Deus Christo e Caridad (1882) -->Renovador (1883)
1/1, January 21, 1883-current
4-20 pp.

This was the dominant and longest-lived journal in Brazil. It was the last production of the spiritualists who had surrounded the Sociedade Academica of Rio de Janeiro, which had earlier started the Revista de Sociedade Academica and then O Renovador. It was originally published from the house of Elias da Silva (1848-1903), with a circulation of about 300. He was a photographer who had in 1879 founded the Grupo Espirita Menezes, named after the late director of the Sociedade Academica, and this in turn became the FederaƧao Espirita Brasileira (FEB), a federation of all Kardecist groups, in 1885. In mid-1907 the journal featured a long attack on Alberto de Sarak, Count of Das. On the journal and its history, see "Revista 'Reformador' un Prodigioso Manantial de Paz y Amor,", and the note in Carrier Dove for May 1887. The journal is listed as adhering to the 1892 Spanish-American spiritualist congress convened by Fraternidad Universal in Madrid to honor the discovery of America. LOC;

Issues:Reformador V1 1883
Reformador V2 1884
Reformador V3 1885
Reformador V4 1886
Reformador V5 1887
Reformador V6 1888
Reformador V7 1889
Reformador V8 1890
Reformador V9 1891
Reformador V10 1892
Reformador V11 1893
Reformador V12 1894
Reformador V13 1895
Reformador V14 1896
Reformador V15 1897
Reformador V16 1898
Reformador V17 1899
Reformador V18 1900
Reformador V19 1901 Partial
Reformador V20 1902 Partial

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