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Periodical: The Psychological Review

Summary: From Pat Deveney's database:

Psychological Review, The.
A Cosmopolitan Organ of Psychology, Mesmerism, Mind Reading, Clairvoyance, Spiritualism, Theosophy, and the Occult Sciences.
1878--1882 Quarterly, then monthly
London, England, then Glasgow, Scotland; then concurrently in London, Chicago, IL and Melbourne, Australia. Publisher: Edward W. Allen in London; Hay Nisbet in Glasgow; Religio-Philosophical Publishing House in Chicago; W.H. Terry in Melburne. Editor: William White, then with J.S. Farmer.
1/1, April 1878-6/2, 1883. 48-100 pp., 5 x 8. 7s. a year.

This was a journal of thoughtful ruminations on spiritualism and "psychology"--which included both the nature of man and the soul, and psychical research--tinctured with New Church (White was a biographer of Swedenborg) and Christian ideas. Contributions by Thomas Shorter (see the note under The Spiritual Magazine), Peter Davidson (later a founder of the H.B. of L.), Frank Podmore, "M.A. (Oxon)." (Stainton Moses), C.C. Massey, Alexander Wilder, Giles B. Stebbins, Epes Sargent, et al. It was begun to fill the void left by the cessation of the Spiritual Magazine and Human Nature. Although aware of the fact that its offerings would never be "popular," the journal in its last year sought to increase its circulation by promising more contributions on spiritualism proper and began to carry serialized novels of a vaguely spiritual nature. The most notable of these was Dr. George Wyld's novelette "Dr. Macgregor Roy and the Man from the East" (July 1882)--Wyld's unkind comparison of the Theosophical Mahatmas with true Christian sages. The journal gave regular and detailed reviews of the content of contemporary spiritualist journals. There are references indicating that Col. John C. Bundy, editor of the Religio-Philosophical Journal, had a hand in the journal's inception and was to publish it simultaneously in America, but none of these American issues survives. Crabtree 1010. Harvard; University of Pennsylvania; NSAC, Lily Dale; BL, SPR collection at Cambridge University.

Psychological Review, V3 Index
Psychological Review, V3, July 1881
Psychological Review, V3, August 1881
Psychological Review, V3, September 1881
Psychological Review, V3, October 1881
Psychological Review, V3, November 1881
Psychological Review, V3, December 1881
Psychological Review, V4 Index
Psychological Review, V4, January 1882
Psychological Review, V4, February 1882
Psychological Review, V4, March 1882
Psychological Review, V4, April 1882
Psychological Review, V4, May 1882
Psychological Review, V4, June 1882
Psychological Review, V5 Index
Psychological Review, V5, July 1882
Psychological Review, V5, August 1882
Psychological Review, V5, September 1882
Psychological Review, V5, October 1882
Psychological Review, V5, November 1882
Psychological Review, V5, December 1882
Psychological Review, V6, January 1883
Psychological Review, V6, February 1883

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