From Pat Deveney's database:
Psychic Research Quarterly / A Quarterly Review of Psychology, in Relation to Education, Psychoanalysis, Industry, Religion . . . & c. / An Annual of General and Linguistic Psychology.
1921-1952 Quarterly, then annual
London, England. Publisher: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trübner & Co.; Orthological Institute. Editor: C.K. Ogden.
Succeeds: Psychic Research Quarterly
2/1, 1921-1952. This continued the volume numbering of Psychic Research Quarterly, but was increasingly devoted to the linguistic and philosophical work of Ogden (1889-1957) and with volume 13, 1933, changed its subtitle and began to be edited by him and published by his Orthological Institute. NYPL; SUNY Buffalo; Universitiy of Delaware; University of Chicago; Harvard University; University of Texas, Austin; and many other locations in OCLC; ZDB: Freiburg Inst Grenzgeb Psychol.