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Periodical: Prophecy [Manchester]

Summary: Prophecy.
The Official Organ of the National Astrological Society Incorporated / Official Organ of the Universal Church of Aquarius.
But he that prophesieth speaketh unto men to edification, and exhortation, and comfort. 1 Corinthians 14/3 / The one who foresees the farthest has the greatest advantage
1915--1930? Monthly, bimonthly
Manchester, NH.
Editor: Magi Zariel, D.A. (Walter H. Lewis).
1/1, 1915. (Vol. 16, no. 4 is October-November 1930.)
$1.00 a year, 28 (?) pp.

Advertised in Azoth, December 1917 as "A magazine devoted to the restoration of prophecy to religion, conducted by the ordained Magis of the Universal Church of Aquarius, which unites all creeds through the Divine Science of Astrology, the Language whereby the Infinitely Wise reveals His Will to humanity." The church was founded in 1909 and conferred, after proper examination, the degree of Doctor of Astrology ("D.A."). Zariel (Walter Henry Lewis, 1866-1937) wrote Mathematiques des astres (1929) with Magi Aurelius (Richard Gordon Hallett, 1886-1948) who had edited the astrological section of the Voile d'Isis after World War I, which published an article by Zariel, who earlier had written for Old Moore's Messenger. Zariel also sold a "Luck Dial" for $1.00, "a beautiful dial, an ornament for any man's table," "a revolving disk on a bed piece of peculiar design. This dial is for the purpose of getting the proper hours of the day in which to be successful in any undertaking. It is not only a thing of beauty but is a joy for ever, and a thing of great utility, and he predicts that it will, eventually be found on every business man's table." He also provided "an elegantly engraved diploma" evidencing the student's proficiency in astrology. Noted in William C. Hartmann's Who's Who in Occult, Psychic and Spiritual Realms (1925), and in The Occult Digest, 1930. LOC.

Issues:Prophecy V16 N4 Oct-Nov 1930

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