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Periodical: Prediction

Summary:  From Pat Deveney's database:

Palmistry, Astrology . . . The Occult Sciences.
1936--2013? Monthly
London, then Cryodon, Surrey, England. Publisher: Link House Publications. Editor: James Leigh; Marion Williamson; Alexandra Wenman.
Succeeds: Weekly Horoscope and Fantasy
1/1, February 1936-2013(?) 36-48-100 pp., 7s. 6d a year.

James Leigh, the original editor, was also the compiler of Manual and Who's Who of Spiritualism and Psychic Research (London: Francis Mott Co., 1936), which describes the journal as dealing "with every phase of Psychic and Occult Research--Spiritualism, Astrology, Telepathy, Clairvoyance, Hypnotism, Phrenology, Graphology, Numerology, etc." The Etc. covered matters like character reading, fairies, "Adventures in the Astral Bodies," reincarnation, dream interpretation, numerology, "pedography" (character reading from the shoes), mental radio, spirit photographs, pre-birth memories, spiritual alchemy, holistic health, nutrition, meditation, Tarot, the third eye, crystals, mandalas, UFOs, leys, geomancy, and the whole panoply of what passed under the heading "occult" that were funneled into the New Age. The journal included occasional articles by Paul Brunton, "Naylor's Famous Astrology Section" by R.H. Naylor, articles by Prunella Scales, Murray Hope, and even a contribution by Barbara Cartland (on "I Dream My Plots"). The advertising in the journal, especially in its early years, is a mine of information on the minor mages, seers, and peddlers of psychic wares of the time (including, of course, AMORC), and typically touted a late-born degree mill (Meta Collegiate Extension, Inc.) in Sparks, Nevada. The journal had no slant or doctrine of its own but was a popularizer of all the odds and ends of occultism, like the Occult Digest and Magazine of Mysteries in earlier times. University of Illinois; University of Oxford; Universiteit Utrecht; Las Vegas-Clark County Library

Issues:Prediction V1 N6 Jul 1936
Prediction V1 N12 Jan 1937
Prediction V2 N2 Mar 1937
Prediction V12 N7 Feb 1947
Prediction V12 N9 Apr 1947

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