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Periodical: Polyanthea Spirita

Summary: From Pat Deveney's database:

Polyanthea Spirita.
Commemorativa da Encarnacao do Allan Kardec. Publicada sob os Auspicios da Sociedade Campista de Estudos Spirítas.
Campos, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
1/1, October 3, 1882.
4 pp., free.

Polyanthea means a collection of fragments or excerpts, and this could have been a one-off commemorative of the birthday of Allan Kardec (October 3) but seems to have been intended as one issue of a planned journal or serial — the surviving library copy in the Hemeroteca Digital Brasileira is marked "No. 26" on the first page. It was designed to interest those ignorant of Kardecism in the "doctrine," with the standard "Summary of Spiritist Laws," notes on the plurality of existences, a spiritualist bibliography, a biography of Kardec, a statement of the Bible as a Spirit Manifestation, etc.

Issues:Polyanthea Spirita V1 N1 Oct 3 1882

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