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Periodical: VPitagoras

Summary  From Pat Deveney's database:

Revista Mensual Consagrada a la Causa del Progreso.
Nosce Te Ipsum
1912?--1913? Monthly
Mexico, D.F., Mexico. Language: Spanish. Editor: Tomas Rosales, ingeniero civil, director, editor and proprietor.
1/1 (of a new series), 1912 (vol. 2, no. 17 is August 1913).

This was a generic New Thought/Occult journal after the pattern of those (like Nautilus) being published in the United States at the time. Its cover proclaimed its devotion to "Cultura Psiquica, Mentalismo, Hipnotismo, Teosofia, Ocultismo, Espiritismo," and its subtitle with its emphasis on the "Cause of Progress" clearly showed its preferences in the civil wars brewing in Mexico. The journal was the effort of Rosales's Instituto Pitagorico de Ciencias Ocultas. in Mexico City. In addition to contributions by local writers, it featured translations of Edward Beals' "The Law of Success in Business" Leon Denis's "After Death," and C.W. Leadbeater's "On Theosophy." The journal carried extensive secular advertising, which indicates its participation in wholesale advertising bureaus. University of Texas.

Issues:Pitagoras V2 N17 Aug 1913

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