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Periodical: Phare

Summary: From Pat Deveney's database:

Phare, Le.
Journal Spirite et Magnetique.
1882--1884 Monthly
Liege, Belgium.
Language: French.
Editor: M.B. Porquerolles.
Succeeds: Revue Belge du Spiritualisme; Le Phare (?)
1/1, January 1882-December 1884.
16 pp., 2-3 francs a year, 3-4 outside Belgium.

This was yet another product of the indefatigable organizer, Oscar Henrion, who had started the Revue Belge du Spiritualisme, which centered around his spiritualist group "Union Spiritualiste" in Liege, and also seems to have published Le Phare. The Union Spiritualiste group initially published the journal and, when Henrion started the new "Union Spirite Liegoise" on the dissolution of Union Spiritualist, the new group took over the journal. All of these journals shared many of the same contributors and interests, primarily Christianity, magnetism and spiritualism. The journal boasted that it was "essentially eclectic; it gathers all opinions in order to interest the readers and lead them to study and even to reject them, which is what gives life to a review." It carried regular communications from the spirits, articles on magnetism and somnambulism and a "Cours de Magnetisme," and notes on the conferences of the "American Medium," Henri Lacroix, on "Donato" (Alfred d'Hont -- "a charlatan!") , D.D. Home, and Baron Dupotet, and discourses on the emancipation of women. The journal was noted in Reformirende Blatter, February 1883, and Le Spiritisme in 1884.

Issues:Phare V1 N1 Jan 1882
Phare V1 N2 Feb 1882
Phare V1 N3 Mar 1882
Phare V1 N4 Apr 1882
Phare V1 N5 May 1882
Phare V1 N6 Jun 1882
Phare V1 N7 Jul 1882
Phare V1 N8 Aug 1882
Phare V1 N9 Sep 1882
Phare V1 N10 Oct 1882
Phare V1 N11 Nov 1882
Phare V1 N12 Dec 1882

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