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Periodical: Perda, Amor e Caridade

Summary: From Pat Deveney's database:

Perdao, Amor e Caridade.
1896--1902? Monthly
Franca, Sao Paolo, Brazil.
Language: Portuguese.
Editor: Joao Manoel Malheiros.
Publisher: Orgam do Grupo Spirita "Esperanca e Fé" de Franca.
1/1, September 1, 1896-1902 (?)
4 pp., distributed free, and in later years 2$000 a year.

This was a local Kardecist journal in Sao Paolo founded by Professor Malheiros. The journal contained long extracts from the works of Eugene Bonnemère and others. Noted in Luz y Union, 1900.

Issues:Perdao Amor E Caridade V1 N1 Sep 1 1896
Perdao Amor E Caridade V4 N43 Mar 1 1900
Perdao Amor E Caridade V5 N59 Aug 1 1901
Perdao Amor E Caridade V6 N62 Nov 1 1901
Perdao Amor E Caridade V6 N64 Jan 1 1902
Perdao Amor E Caridade V6 N67 Apr 1 1902

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