From Pat Deveney's database:
Our Race News-Leaflet, The.
The King's Business Requires Haste
1893--1907 Monthly
New Haven, CN. Editor: C.A.L. (Charles Adiel Lewis) Tottel.
1/1, October 1893-20/- December 1907. 12-20 pp. (varies), $1.00 for 12 (later 13, "a baker's dozen") issues. Unlike Totten's companion series, Our Race, the Leaflets were devoted to issues that were only peripherally connected to or were extrapolations from his thesis on the Anglo-Saxons as the heirs of the Ten Lost Tribes of Israel. "These News-Leaflets take the place of such fugitive articles as were formerly given to the General Press by the Author, and constitute a Monthly Letter to such as are interested in the Signs of the Times." The subjects included genealogies (including Messianic genealogy), a detailed chronology of the life of Christ, critical comparisons of standard chronologies of the world, signs of the End Times, the symbology of the Great Pyramid of Gizeh, the signs of the Antichrist, the Signs of the Times, the Restoration of Israel, precision in the dating of Biblical events, the mathematics of the end of the century, etc., etc. While Totten wrote most of the content of the Leaflets he reprinted several studies by others of parallel antiquarian bent. Like the publishers of every other journal, Totten regularly bemoaned his lack of funds to carry on his work and the high price he was forced to charge to meet expenses. "The price of this publication is relatively high because its constituency is relatively small. We not only have no capital but as our work is not popular it does not reap patronage enough to compete with the world's prices." He claimed to have had about 1500 subscribers. On Totten, see the note under Our Race. NYPL; LOC.