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Periodical: Orion Magazine

Summary: From Pat Deveney's database:

Orion Magazine
A Metaphysical Publication Devoted to Genuine Spiritual Knowledge.
Light & Truth
1955?--1983? Monthly except January and July
Charlotte, NC, and then Lakemont, GA.
Editor: Ural R. Murphy; H. Edwin O’Neal.
Publisher: Orion Magazine (published at Ord, Nebraska, for Orion Magazine, Charlotte, North Carolina), C.S.A.
1/1, 1955 (?)
$3.00 a year; 32 pp. and then 16 pp., 8 1/2 x 11 inches

This was a catch-all occult-spiritualistic-religious-New Thought journal of the period, with notes on "What Actually Happens at Death"by A.J. Davis and "Sure Guidance from the Inner Voice"by Joseph Sadony (on whom see the notes on The Great Work in America, The Whisperer, and Timber) and articles on "New Thought,""Edgar Cayce,"and "Christ Power,"etc. A cast of unknown authors contributed to the journal. The journal was taken over in the 1960s by the Church of the Christial Spiritual Alliance (C.S.A.) an organization with connections with Swami Yogananda that had been founded in 1962 by H. Edwin O’Neal, who assumed the editorship from Murphy.

Issues:Orion Magazine Aug 1955

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