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Periodical: New Thought Library (Chavannes)

Summary:  From Pat Deveney's database:

New Thought Library.
Other titles: New Thought Library Quarterly
1897 Quarterly
Knoxville, TN. Publisher: Albert Chavannes. Editor: Albert Chavannes.
1/1, 1897.

Each issue bears a separate title. Albert Chavannes (1836-1903) was a novelist, utopian thinker, and utopian socialist. In the mid 1880s he published his Studies in Sociology, expatiating on his views of the “law of exchange.” For present purposes, he is notable because he advocated the practice of karezza (which he called “Magnetation”—the process of increasing and exchanging sexual energy through prolonged intercourse). He also published The Philosopher/Modern Philosopher, and Vibrations (q.v.). LOC microfilm; University of Tennessee.

Issues:New Thought Library N9 May 1898 Partial

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This page was updated on 14-Apr-20