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Periodical: New Conjurer's Museum and Magical Magazine

Summary:  From Pat Deveney's database:

New Conjuror's Museum and Magical Magazine, The.
Being a Complete System of Astrology and the Occult Sciences.
1803 Monthly
London, England. Publisher: Tegg and Castleman.
1/1, February 1803. 12 pp., 1 shilling a year "plain"; 1 shilling sixpence "elegantly coloured."

An advertisement in the Kentish Weekly Post for January 21, 1803 that announced the appearance of the first issue in February adds to the title: Containing altogether one mass of invaluable matter, tending to elucidate the whole Art of Foretelling Future Events, and exhibit the wonderful Effects that may be produced by a Knowledge of this Divine Science. This was intended, not for the serious pursuit of astrology and occultism, but for the amusement and recreation of the leisured gentry, with topics like "A Treatise on Magic," "Lives of the Most Eminent Magicians, Astrologers, Conjurors" (life of Merlin), "Interpretation of Dreams," "Apparitions, Witchcraft, &c.," "Philosophical and Ingenious Amusements," "Art of Legerdemain," etc. Tegg, the publisher, had earlier put out a similar series under the title Marvellous Magazine that published short accounts of famous shipwrecks and similar events. The journal seems unrelated to the earlier journal of the same title: The New Conjuror's Museum, or, Hocus Pocus in Perfection (1800), which was more explicitly a magazine of legerdemain. All of these journals attempted to build upon the success of Conjuror's Magazine / Astrological Magazine (1791-1794), the first journal serial in English devoted to magic and its literature. Northwestern University; LOC; University of London; Cornell University; McGill University; University of Manchester, etc.

Issues:New Conjurors Museum And Magical Magazine N1
New Conjurors Museum And Magical Magazine N2
New Conjurors Museum And Magical Magazine N3
New Conjurors Museum And Magical Magazine N4
New Conjurors Museum And Magical Magazine N5
New Conjurors Museum And Magical Magazine N6

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