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Periodical: Mysteria

Summary:   From Pat Deveney's database:

Revue mensuelle illustre d'etudes initiatiques / Revue Mensuelle d'etudes Initiatiques.
Other titles: La Synthèse morale, intellectuelle sociale
1913--1914 Monthly
Paris, France. Language: French. Publisher: Les Amis de Saint-Yves. Editor: Papus (Gerard Encausse), Combes Leon.
Succeeds: L'Initiation (1888) Succeeded by: L'Initiation (1953)
1/1-3, January 1913-May 1914. Ten francs a year (12 outside France).

This is the epigonous successor to Papus's L'Initiation. In announcing the change, the journal admitted it needed a "transformation" and thought the new title was "adapte aux idees actuelles." Specifically, the journal would concentrate on the "arts divinatoires" and devote special sections to physiognomy, chiromancy, graphology, astrology and "hermetism." A rather sad comeuppance for a once haughty intellectual endeavor--heightened by the announcement that a page would be devoted to advertisements for books and a "Page des Consultations Psychiques" for "cartomanciennes" and "mediums." The journal would, it claimed, be the complement of all psychic reviews and continue to be intended for initiates rather than for beginners. It continued to function as the organ of the Ordre Martiniste and of the Eglise Gnostique Universelle, and to carry articles by Papus, F. Ch. Barlet (Albert Faucheux), Charles Detre (Teder)(a series on the war against the secret societies), Copin-Albancelli; A. Porte du Trait des Ages, Paul Sedir (Yvon Le Loup), "Jules Bois" (Henri Antoine Jules-Bois), Jean Bricaud, and the old crew from L'Initiation, but much of the excitement was gone.

It announced on its inside front cover that it was the "organe officiel" of:

Ordre Martiniste
Ordre Kabbalistique de la Rose + Croix
ecole Superieure Libre des Sciences Hermetiques
Union Idealiste Universelle
Rite Ancien et Primitif de la Franc-Maçonnerie
Rite National Espagnol
eglise Gnostique Universelle
Academia Symbolica
Oriental Templar Order (O.T.O.)
Eecole Superieure Libre des Sciences Medicales Appliquees

The journal (as the successor of L'Initiation) was revived in the 1950s under the original name by Philippe Encausse, the son of Papus. After World War I, La Synthèse Morale, Intellectuelle, Sociale (Marseilles) claimed to revive Mysteria, among other journals, but the magazine didn't last.

Crabtree 1690. BNF. Microfilm.

Issues:Mysteria V1 N1 Jan 1913
Mysteria V1 N2 Feb 1913
Mysteria V1 N3 Mar 1913
Mysteria V2 N4 Apr 1913
Mysteria V2 N5 May 1913
Mysteria V2 N6 Jun 1913
Mysteria V3 N7 Jul 1913
Mysteria V3 N8 Aug 1913
Mysteria V3 N9 Sep 1913
Mysteria V4 N10 Oct 1913
Mysteria V4 N11 Nov 1913
Mysteria V4 N12 Dec 1913

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