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Periodical: The Morning Star

Summary:  From Pat Deveney's database:

Morning Star, The.
A Monthly Journal of Mystical and Philosophical Research / Monthly Journal of the Ancient Wisdom-Religion.
For Advanced Thinkers / "A Chronicle of Strange, Sacred, Secret, and Forgotten Things" --Shelley
1892--1910? Monthly
Loudsville, GA, and Glasgow, then Edinburgh, Scotland.
Editor: Peter Davidson.
Publisher: Peter Davidson; Bernard Goodwin (Glasgow); John Walsh (Edinburgh).
Succeeds: The Occult Magazine (Glasgow and Loudsville)
1/1, May 1892-1910(?) 8-24 pp (varies).
10 cents a copy.

This "succeeded" The Occult Magazine in the sense that Peter Davidson (1837-1915) was the editor of both. As his interests changed from the H.B. of L. to the Ordre Martiniste, the Union Idéaliste Universelle, the Tradition Cosmique of Max Theon, and the Christian mysticism of Holden Edward Sampson ("Light," 1859- ) , so did the journal's content. It was the organ of Davidson's and Sampson's Order of the Cross and Serpent and, from 1905, of the the Tradition Cosmique of Max Theon. S.C. Gould, Arcane Fraternities in the United States (Manchester, NH, 1905), 7, says that this is "a journal for the proclamation of the Mysteries and Lost Truths of the Ancient Wisdom Religion of Jesus Christ." Davidson and his confederate in the H.B. of L., T.H. Burgoyne, fled Britain after the exposure of the brotherhood's fraudulent colony scheme. Davidson ended up in Georgia and seemingly took no part in Burgoyne's attempts to revive the organization in the United States but remained active in advising its members in France. He was, nonetheless, influential in America, reviving connections from his days as Grand Master of the North of the H.B. of L. or making new ones among the inheritance of P.B. Randolph and the H.B. of L. The journal advertised Hiram Butler's Esoteric, Charles Mackay's Oracle, George R. Charles's Christian Metaphysician, Parsival Braun's New Man and Der Meister and The Mastery of Fate, George Chainey's Interpreter, Cyrus R. Teed's Flaming Sword, the Temple Artisan, R.S. Clymer, S.C. Gould's Notes and Queries, Hubbe-Schleiden's Sphinx, etc. Duke University microfilm; House of the Temple, Washington, D.C.; LOC.

Morning Star V1 N1 May 1892
Morning Star V1 N2 Jun 1892
Morning Star V1 N3 Jul 1892
Morning Star V1 N4 Aug 1892
Morning Star V1 N5 Sep 1892
Morning Star V1 N6 Oct 1892
Morning Star V1 N7 Nov 1892
Morning Star V1 N8 Dec 1892
Morning Star V1 N9 Jan 1893
Morning Star V1 N10 Feb 1893
Morning Star V1 N11 Mar 1893
Morning Star V1 N12 Apr 1893
Morning Star V10 N4 Aug 1901
Morning Star V15 Index 1906-7
Morning Star V16 N1 May 1907
Morning Star V16 N2 Jun 1907
Morning Star V16 N3 Jul 1907

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