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Periodical: Memoires d'une Ex-Palladiste

Summary:  From Pat Deveney's database:

Memoires d'une Ex-Palladiste.
Parfaite initiee, Independante.
Ceci est une oeuvre de bonne foi
1895--1897 Monthly
Paris, France. Language: French. Publisher: Librairie Antimaconnique. Editor: A. Pierret, Leo Taxil.
1/1, July 1895-n22, April 1897. 12 francs a year, 32 pp. (A.E. Waite said that 24 numbers were issued.)

This was more properly a serial than a journal. The author was said to be Miss Diana Vaughan, identified parenthetically as Jeanne-Marie-Raphaele, whose photograph in masculine Masonic garb appears in the journal. The journal revealed further details about the Palladian Society, the worldwide, secret Masonic organization of Satanists headed by Albert Pike, the head of the Scottish Rite, Southern Jurisdiction in the United States. Diana had been initiated into this rite by Pike, but by the time of this journal had grown somewhat disillusioned with the society, converted to Catholicism, and decided to reveal its sinister secrets in her memories. To further the plot, Diana herself in March 1895 began her own journal, Le Palladium regenere et libre. In fact the journal (and Diana) were an extended hoax perpetrated by Leo Taxil (Marie-Joseph Gabriel Antoine Jogand-Pages)(1854-1907) to mock the Catholic Church and the current hysteria in France over the Freemasons--and to profit from his revelations. Taxil's writings display an enormous knowledge of the minutiae of current Masonry and occultism. The story of Taxil's scheme was set out by A.E. Waite in Devil Worship in France (1896), but the hoax was only put to rest (for most people) in April 1897 when Taxil, to quiet nagging doubts in the press, promised to produce Diana herself and at the promised time took the podium to announce: "Look at me! I myself am that lady." Taxil also published La Jeanne d'Arc (1890), La Petite Guerre (1887-1889), Le Petit Catholique (1889), France chretienne anti-maconnique. France Chretienne (1889-1914), Revue Mensuelle Religieuse, Politique, Scientifique (1894-1897), Le Diable au XIXe Siecle and other journals. BNF.

Issues:Memoires D'une Ex-Palladiste N1-22 1895-1897

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This page was updated on 14-Apr-20