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Periodical: Magikon

Summary:  From Pat Deveney's database:

Archiv fur Beobachtungen aus dem Gebiete der Geisterkunde und des magnetischen und magischen Lebens nebst andern Zugeben fur Freunde des Innern.
1839-1853 Semiannual
Stuttgart, Germany. Language: German. Publisher: Ebner & Seubert. Editor: Justinus Kerner.
Succeeds: Blätter aus Prevorst
1/1, September 1839-1853. 5 volumes, 4 1/2 x 7.

This continued Kerner's earlier Blätter aus Prevorst, which focused on the "Seeress of Prevorst," Frederika Wanner Hauffe (1801-1829). Magikon in its subtitle promised observations "aus dem Gebiete der Geisterkunde und des magnetischen und magischen Lebens nebst andern Zugeben fur Freunde des Innern." This journal, though open to "spirits" (poltergeists, protective spirits, and the like), is actually better seen as an early "occult" journal, with articles on Hauffe, the interpretation of dreams and meaning of dreams, magical and magnetic healing, the Kabbala, "near death experiences" ("Ekstasie eines Scheintoden alterer Zeit"), etc. Crabtree 429. NYPL; ZDB: Berlin SBB Haus Potsdamer Str; Freiburg Inst Grenzgeb Psychol; and many other locations.

Issues:Magikon V1 1840
Magikon V2 1842
Magikon V3 1846
Magikon V4 1850
Magikon V5 1853

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