Luz y Union (Barcelona) |

From Pat Deveney's database:
Luz y Union.
Revista Espiritista / Revista de Estudios Psicologicos / Revista Espiritista / Revista Espiritista Kardeciana / Organo Oficial de la "Union Espiritista Kardeciana de Cataluna" / Organo Oficial de la "Liga Espiritista Espanola".
Other titles: Luz, Union y Verdad
1900--1914 Four times a month, then monthly
Barcelona, Spain. Language: Spanish. Publisher: Carbonell y Esteva. Editor: Manuel Navarro Murillo, Jacinto Esteva Marata and Amalia Domingo Soler.
Succeeds: Luz del Porvenir and La Union Espiritista (1900); Revista Espiritista-->Revista de Estudios Psicologicos (merged 1902 to form Luz y Union: Revista de Estudios Psicologicla); Los albores de la verdad (1917) Succeeded by: Luz, Union y Verdad
1/1, May 10, 1900-1914. 8-32 pp., 7 pesetas/year and 11 pesetas abroad.
Created by the merger of La Union Espiritista and Luz del Porvenir, both of Barcelona, in 1900. In 1902 it merged with the Revista de Estudios Psicologicos (the former Revista Epiritista) to form Luz y Union, Revista de Estudios Psicologicos. With no. 4 of 1914, the journal changed its name to Luz, Union y Verdad. Navarro Murillo resigned in 1903 to found his own journal, La Evolucion. Like many other journals of the time the journal had "official," "doctrinal" (Kardecist), "mediumistic," and "literary" sections to cater to wider audiences, and included short reviews of its contemporary journals in French, Spanish and Portuguese. As enthusiasm for international psychical research waned, the journal became increasingly the repository of news of local spiritualist groups and activities, while occasionally making room for advertisements for the likes of Prentice Mulford's works in translation. Regular contributions from Amalia Domingo Soler. Biblioteca Nacional de Espana; Archivo General de la Guerra Civil Espanola.v
Issues: | Luz Y Union V1 N1 May 10 1900 |
| Luz Y Union V1 N2 May 17 1900 |
| Luz Y Union V1 N3 May 24 1900 |
| Luz Y Union V1 N4 May 31 1900 |
| Luz Y Union V1 N5 Jun 10 1900 |
| Luz Y Union V1 N6 Jun 17 1900 |
| Luz Y Union V1 N7 Jun 24 1900 |
| Luz Y Union V1 N8 Jun 30 1900 |
| Luz Y Union V1 N9 Jul 10 1900 |
| Luz Y Union V1 N10 Jul 17 1900 |
| Luz Y Union V1 N11 Jul 24 1900 |
| Luz Y Union V1 N12 Jul 31 1900 |
| Luz Y Union V1 N13 Aug 10 1900 |
| Luz Y Union V1 N14 Aug 17 1900 |
| Luz Y Union V1 N15 Aug 24 1900 |
| Luz Y Union V1 N16 Aug 31 1900 |
| Luz Y Union V1 N17 Sep 10 1900 |
| Luz Y Union V1 N18 Sep 17 1900 |
| Luz Y Union V1 N19 Sep 24 1900 |
| Luz Y Union V1 N20 Sep 30 1900 |
| Luz Y Union V1 N21 Oct 10 1900 |
| Luz Y Union V1 N22 Oct 17 1900 |
| Luz Y Union V1 N23 Oct 24 1900 |
| Luz Y Union V1 N24 Oct 31 1900 |
| Luz Y Union V1 N25 Nov 10 1900 |
| Luz Y Union V1 N26 Nov 17 1900 |
| Luz Y Union V1 N27 Nov 24 1900 |
| Luz Y Union V1 N28 Nov 30 1900 |
| Luz Y Union V1 N29 Dec 10 1900 |
| Luz Y Union V1 N30 Dec 17 1900 |
| Luz Y Union V1 N31 Dec 24 1900 |
| Luz Y Union V1 N32 Dec 31 1900 |
| Luz Y Union V2 N33 Jan 15 1901 |
| Luz Y Union V2 N34 Jan 31 1901 |
| Luz Y Union V2 N35 Feb 15 1901 |
| Luz Y Union V2 N36 Feb 28 1901 |
| Luz Y Union V2 N37 Mar 15 1901 |
| Luz Y Union V2 N38 Mar 31 1901 |
| Luz Y Union V2 N39 Apr 15 1901 |
| Luz Y Union V2 N40 Apr 30 1901 |
| Luz Y Union V2 N41 May 23 1901 |
| Luz Y Union V2 N42 Jun 8 1901 |
| Luz Y Union V2 N43 Jun 25 1901 |
| Luz Y Union V2 N45 Jul 15 1901 |
| Luz Y Union V2 N46 Jul 31 1901 |
| Luz Y Union V2 N47 Aug 15 1901 |
| Luz Y Union V2 N48 Aug 31 1901 |
| Luz Y Union V2 N49 Sep 15 1901 |
| Luz Y Union V2 N50 Sep 20 1901 |
| Luz Y Union V2 N51 Oct 15 1901 |
| Luz Y Union V2 N52 Oct 31 1901 |
| Luz Y Union V2 N53 Nov 15 1901 |
| Luz Y Union V2 N54 Nov 30 1901 |
| Luz Y Union V2 N55 Dec 15 1901 |
| Luz Y Union V2 N56 Dec 31 1901 |
| Luz Y Union V9 N1 Jan 1908 |
| Luz Y Union V9 N2 Feb 1908 |
| Luz Y Union V9 N3 Mar 1908 |
| Luz Y Union V9 N4 Apr 1908 |
| Luz Y Union V9 N5 May 1908 |
| Luz Y Union V9 N6 Jun 1908 |
| Luz Y Union V9 N7 Jul 1908 |
| Luz Y Union V9 N8 Aug 1908 |
| Luz Y Union V9 N9 Sep 1908 |
| Luz Y Union V9 N10 Oct 1908 |
| Luz Y Union V9 N11 Nov 1908 |
| Luz Y Union V9 N12 Dec 1908 |
| Luz Y Union V10 N1 Jan 1909 |
| Luz Y Union V10 N2 Feb 1909 |
| Luz Y Union V10 N3 Mar 1909 |
| Luz Y Union V10 N4 Apr 1909 |
| Luz Y Union V10 N5 May 1909 |
| Luz Y Union V10 N6 Jun 1909 |
| Luz Y Union V10 N7 Jul 1909 |
| Luz Y Union V10 N8 Aug 1909 |
| Luz Y Union V10 N9 Sep 1909 |
| Luz Y Union V10 N10 Oct 1909 |
| Luz Y Union V10 N11 Nov 1909 |
| Luz Y Union V10 N12 Dec 1909 |
| Luz Y Union V11 N1 Jan 1910 |
| Luz Y Union V11 N2 Feb 1910 |
| Luz Y Union V11 N3 Mar 1910 |
| Luz Y Union V11 N4 Apr 1910 |
| Luz Y Union V11 N5 May 1910 |
| Luz Y Union V11 N6 Jun 1910 |
| Luz Y Union V11 N7 Jul 1910 |
| Luz Y Union V11 N8 Aug 1910 |
| Luz Y Union V11 N9 Sep 1910 |
| Luz Y Union V11 N10 Oct 1910 |
| Luz Y Union V11 N11 Nov 1910 |
| Luz Y Union V11 N12 Dec 1910 |