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Periodical: Luz [Florianopolis]

Summary: From Pat Deveney's database:

Luz, A. Orgam da Federacao Espirita Catharinense.
1916--1919? Monthly
Florianopolis, Santa Catarina, Brazil.
Language: Portuguese.
Editor: Joao Candido da Silva.
1/1, September 15, 1916.
4-6 pp., distributed free.

In its introduction to its purposes, the journal in its first issue said that it "will not be a a combative organ but rather a serene missionary effort to exhort everyone to study spiritism and which is consecrated to the doctrine of love and goodness whose seeds Jesus launched here . . . ." This was a Kardecist journal with the usual discussions of abstract moral virtues and communications from spirits, and articles on the plurality of worlds, reincarnation, the death of "grande Mestre, Allan-Kardec, codificador do Espiritismo." etc.

Issues:Luz Florianopolis V1 N1 Sep 15 1916
Luz Florianopolis V2 N11 Aug 6 1917
Luz Florianopolis V3 N20 Mar 15 1918
Luz Florianopolis V4 N31 Apr 15 1919

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