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Periodical: Lumiere D'Orient

Summary:  From Pat Deveney's database:

Lumiere d'Orient.
Revue Bimensuelle de l'Islam, Religion, Science, Philosophie, Litterature, Arts, Nouvelles.
1892-1892? Monthly/bimonthly
Paris, France. Language: French. Editor: Nassih-Effendi.
1/1, September and October 1892. 10 francs a year, 16 pp.

Although the journal was called "bimensuelle" the first two issues (probably the only published) were published a month apart, with the issue of October announcing that in the future it would appear twice a month. This was a very short-lived approach by Papus to present to the West a sympathetic view of Islam that was philosophical rather than political, though it did have articles and excerpts on economic and social subjects about the Near East, especially Turkey. It was probably part of Papus's attempt to unify the mystical and occult traditions of the East and West that was reflected in his Union Idealiste Universelle. It began the publication of a French translation of the Koran by Kasimirski and featured excerpts from William Henry Abdullah Quilliam and Théophile Gautier. BNF.

Issues:Lumiere d'Orient V1 N1 Sep 1892
Lumiere d'Orient V1 N2 Oct 1892

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This page was updated on 14-Apr-20