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Periodical: L'Astrologue Francais

Summary  From Pat Deveney's database:

Astrologue français, L'.
Ou Le Petit homme bleu: contenant les predictions de ce petit homme pour chaque mois de l'annee ...; ses prophéties sur la politique, les theatres, la litterature, etc.; le spectre, nouvelle incroyable, mais prouvee, etc., etc.
1819 Annual
Paris, France. Language: French. Publisher: Caillot. Editor: E.F.G.H.
1, 1819.

This was an astrological almanac, whose title completely describes its content. A series of almanacs of this name existed as early as 1749. BNF

Issues:L'Astrologue Francais 1819

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This page was updated on 02-Apr-21