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Periodical: Kabbaliste

Summary:   From Pat Deveney's database:

Kabbaliste, Le.
Journal des sciences occultes et divinatoires. Vous ne tiendrez point la lumiere sous le boisseau (Evangile). Vous ne jetterez point les perles au pourceaux (Evangile)
1848 Monthly
Paris, France. Language: French.
1/1-4, August-October 1848. 5 centimes an issue.

In the third issue the journal announced that if it succeeded in obtaining 500 paying subscribers it would be published weekly in a "special edition" for 20 francs, and if 1500 subscribed it would be published twice weekly for the same price, and this special edition would delve beneath the revelations of the first, trial issues: "The grave questions that Le Kabbaliste has to pose and the serious mysteries of a psychological and supernatural order that it would raise in addressing an instructed public or a public desirous of being instructed, require that the kabbalistic secrets only be discussed in the special edition." This enticement proved insufficient and the journal ceased after four issues. This idiosyncratic and isolated journal appeared in the turmoil of the Revolution of 1848, whose sentiments it shared. Its editor (and author of all of its content) is unknown. It grandly avowed that it "will teach readers the laws of social and individual destinies; it will predict the future of men and things; it will explain the how and why of human history, divination, divinatory sciences . . . ." To this aim it promised to publish material of interest to "physiologists and all who want to acquire the truly philosophical knowledge of the occult sciences" -- the old Kabbalah, magic, magnetism, somnambulism, mysticism, illuminism, the universal medicine, the philosophers' stone, etc. For less serious and philosophical readers, every issue would contain discussions of "destineologie" (the scientific theory of destinies, "organologie," (the art of knowing by the physical constitution and organic complexion the character and habits of another), phrenology, physiognomy, chironomy, astrology, cartomancy, etc. In practice, the journal carried general articles on cartomancy and astrology, and devoted most of its attention to distinguishing Kabbalah itself from "science Kabbalistique." The former was "knowledge revealed to man, the revelation from above on man's existence." Its goal was man in God and the divine of God in man, . . . human divinization." The "Mosaic Kabbalah" was the ancient law and the "Christian Kabbalah" was the new law of Christ which contained "mysticism, illuminism, gnosticism and their elevating part, theurgy." Kabbalistic science on the other hand was a long, hard study, not a revelation from on high but "a communication from man to man." To realize this, the journal proposed a Kabbalistic Society to be composed of 21 initiates followed by a second series 100 members. Nothing seems to have come of this, either. BNF.

Issues:Kabbalistique V1 N1 Aug 1848
Kabbalistique V1 N2 Aug 1848
Kabbalistique V1 N3 Sep 1848
Kabbalistique V1 N4 Oct 1848

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