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Periodical: The Journal of Progress

Summary: From Pat Deveney's journal database:

Journal of Progress, The.
A Journal for the People / Devoted to Principles of Reform, Philosophy of Nature, Facts and Phenomena, Topics of the Times, Useful and Polite Literature, and General Intelligence. Liberty-Fraternity-Unity-The Watchwords of the Race
Weekly, then monthly New York, NY.
Publisher: Harmonial Association.
Editor: Edited by a Committee; Frances H. Green, R.P. Ambler, William Fishbough, Annette Bishop, and others.
Succeeds: Spirit Messenger and Harmonial Advocate
Succeeded by: The Reformer
1/1, April 30, 1853-2/3, October 1853. 15 issues. $2.00 then fifty cents a year as a monthly; five cents a copy. 16 pp., 11x14, two columns a page.

The journal was the product of the Harmonial Association of New York, the corresponding secretary of which was R.P. Ambler, whose Spirit Messenger and Harmonial Advocate expired the same month this journal began. Its prospectus heralded the paper's purposes: "The attention of all reformatory and progressive minds is invited to this Journal, the design of which is to advocate the rights of Humanity, to present the true principles of reform, and to chronicle whatever may be useful and attractive in the developments of the present age." These high purposes were to be fulfilled in departments devoted to "Principles of Reform," "Philosophy of Nature," "Facts and Phenomena," "Useful and Polite Literature," "Editorial Department," and "Summary of Intelligence." Many of the contributors to the Univercoelum published in the journal, which shared the philosophy and outlook of its predecessor, but the Spiritual Philosopher made room in its pages for articles on "Rapping and Table-Turning." By the last number, Fanny Green was writing a substantial portion of the paper by herself (she had been contributing a novel, "The Brazilian Heiress," since the first issue), with contributions by W.S. Courtney; "A Seer" (Paschal Beverly Randolph); Mrs. J.R. (Semantha) Mettler (who also advertised her autobiography and her husband's practice as a Psycho-Magnetic Physician); and R.P. Ambler. Approximately half of the paper was filler-items of general interest copied from the daily papers. The smell of death was on the paper in its last issues, and its demise was confirmed by a notice from Green that the individual who had been sustaining the journal financially could no longer do so, and that it was merging its efforts with the stronger Reformer. Princeton University; New York Historical Society.

Journal Of Progress V1 N1 April 30 1853
Journal Of Progress V1 N2 May 7 1853
Journal Of Progress V1 N3 May 14 1853
Journal Of Progress V1 N4 May 21 1853
Journal Of Progress V1 N5 May 28 1853
Journal Of Progress V1 N6 June 4 1853
Journal Of Progress V1 N7 June 11 1853
Journal Of Progress V1 N8 June 18 1853
Journal Of Progress V1 N9 June 25 1853
Journal Of Progress V1 N10 July 2 1853
Journal Of Progress V1 N11 July 9 1853
Journal Of Progress V2 N2 September 1853
Journal Of Progress V2 N3 October 1853

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This page was updated on 14-Apr-20