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Periodical: Isis (Lisbon)

Summary:  From Pat Deveney's database:

Revista de Questoes Teosoficas e de Sciencias Psiquicas / Espiritualistas. PublicaƧao Mensal Ilustrada.
1921--1928 Monthly
Lisbon, Portugal. Language: Portuguese.
Editor: Antunes Joao; F. Simao A. Pereira.
Publisher: F. Simao A. Pereira.
1/1, January 1921-1928.
32 pp.

This was a typical Adyar Theosophical journal of the period, with articles by Annie Besant, C.W. Leadbeater, C. Jinarajadasa but few references to H.P. Blavatsky. It also carried articles on Alexandrian Neoplatonism and other subjects concordant with the unusual inclusion of Psiquicas and Espiritualistas in the journal's subtitle. Casa Pessoa, Lisbon.

Issues:Isis V1 N1 Jan 1921

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