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Periodical: Influence Astrale

Summary: From Pat Deveney's database:

Influence Astrale, L'.
Revue d'Astrologie Scientifique. Consacree aux recherches positives et critiques des correspondances entre les astres et l'homme, a leur portee pratique et philosophique et a l'histoire de l'Astrologie.
1913 Bi-monthly
Paris, France.
Language: French.
Editor: Paul Flambart and Louis Bousquet.
1/1, January 1913.
9 francs a year (France), 10 francs abroad, 40-70 pp.

The journal's announced purpose was "to reconstitute astrology on the basis of positive science, both in studying its history and in discussing its philosophical and practical consequences." Astrology, for the journal, was the "science of correspondences" between man and the stars, correspondences that could be established experimentally. Unlike many contemporaries, the journal devoted little space to the horoscopes of the famous or to prognostication and presented instead lengthy discussions of "astral affinities," "astral heredity," "statistics of astral influence," etc. It also carried the letters of J.K. Huysmans on astrology.

Issues:Influence Astrale V1 N1 Jan 1913
Influence Astrale V1 N3 May 1913
Influence Astrale V1 N4 Jul 1913
Influence Astrale V1 N5 Sep 1913
Influence Astrale V1 N6 Jan 1913
Influence Astrale V2 N1 Jan 1914
Influence Astrale V2 N2 Mar 1914
Influence Astrale V2 N3 May 1914
Influence Astrale V2 N4 Jul 1914
Influence Astrale V2 N5 Sep 1914

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This page was updated on 06-Jun-24