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Periodical: | Ignis |
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From Pat Deveney's database:
Ignis. Only five issues of the journal appeared in 1925, and one (marked Year II, issue 1) in January 1929 when Reghini attempted to revive this journal after losing editorial control of Ur, which under Julius Evola's sole leadership became Krur. The last number, of the journal, published in January 1929 after a three-year hiatus, was intended by Reghini to address issues raised by disagreements among Evola, Reghini and Parise over the role of Freemasonry in true initiation and the relationship of pagan roman imperialism, which Atanor, Ignis and Ur had sought to revive, to modern Italian Fascism. The journal's interest in Freemasonry as an existing valid path to initiation into the traditional wisdom of the West brought it into conflict with Mussolini's law of 1925 outlawing Masonic and other secret organizations, and Reghini and Evola started Ur. See the note under Ur and that by Massimo Introvigne, Theosophical History 4/4-5 (October 1992-January 1993): 106. Reghini (1878-1946) was an influential Freemason, occultist, practitioner of ceremonial magic, and exponent of the secret oral tradition of wisdom, who continues to attract interest today. He was a mathematician whose occult interests took the form of a revived Pythagoreanism, and had been initiated into the Rite of Memphis and Misraim in 1902 (not the more notorious branch that leads from John Yarker to Theodor Reuss and the O.T.O., but the related branch that spread from Egypt into Italy). Just before the First World War he began to spread his idea of reviving the Roman glories of an "imperialismo pagano" as a valid path to initiation. Atanor, the predecessor of this journal, was devoted to this and to "traditionalism" and hermeticism. Rene Guenon published several of his most important articles ("L'esoterisme de Dante" and "Le Roi du Monde") in the journal and continued to cooperate in Ignis with a book review on Paul Vulliaud and a short note, as did Evola. Reghini was also an important influence on Evola, whom he is said to have introduced to Guenon. On Reghini, see Dana Lloyd Thomas, "Arturo Reghini: A Modern Pythagorean," Gnosis (1997). The journal also regularly noted the magical works of "Giuliano Kremmerz" (Ciro Formisano, 1861-1930), the founder of the Fratellanza Terapeutico-Magica di Miriam and its more secret Grand Orient egyptien and still more secret Ordre egyptien which taught a detailed form of sexual magic that has distinct echoes in the work of Evola. On Kremmerz, see Massimo Introvigne, "De l'hypertrophie de la filiation: le milieu kremmerzien en Italie," CESNUR (1996). The journal was reprinted with commentary in Rome in 1980. Several of the spicier items in articles published by the journal were left in the original Latin because, as the editor noted: "I do not give a translation of this passage or of other reports because we do not want to offend the modesty of the virtuous Italians." ZDB: Stuttgart WLB.
Issues: | Ignis V1 N1-2 Jan-feb 1925 |
Ignis V1 N3 Mar 1925 | |
Ignis V1 N4-5 Apr-may 1925 | |
Ignis V1 N6-7 Jun-jul 1925 | |
Ignis V1 N8-9 Aug-sep 1925 | |
Ignis V1 N10 Oct 1925 | |
Ignis V1 N10-11 Nov-dec 1925 | |
Ignis V2 1 Jan 1929 |