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Periodical: Ibis

Summary: From Pat Deveney's database:

Rivista bimestrale di studi esoterici.
1950--1950 Bimonthly
Bari, Italy.
Language: Italian.
Succeeds: La Fenice
1/1, 1950. 48 pp.

In its first issue, this journal announced that its intention was to follow the same program as La Fenice, which had been forced by copyright issues to cease at the end of 1949. According to Massimo Introvigne, this was a journal "du milieu kremmerzien." On "Giuliano (J.M.) Kremmerz" (Ciro Formisano, 1861-1930), see Massimo Introvigne, "De l'hypertrophie de la filiation: le milieu kremmerzien en Italie," in Cesnur (2000), and see the notes under La Fenice and under Kremmerz's own journals Mundo Secreto, Medecina Ermetica and Commentarium.

Issues:Ibis V1 N1 Jan-feb 1950
Ibis V1 N2 Mar-apr 1950
Ibis V1 N3 May-jun 1950
Ibis V1 N4 Jul-aug 1950
Ibis V1 N5 Wep-oct 1950
Ibis V1 N6 Nov-dec 1950

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