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Periodical: Humildade

Summary: From Pat Deveney's database:

Orgao Mensal de Propaganda do "Espiritismo" sob a Direccion do Grupo Humildade e Fe. Monthly
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Language: Portuguese.
1/1, December, 1906.
4 pp., 2$000 a year.

This was a Kardecist spiritualist journal with the regular excerpts from the writings of the Master, notices of other spiritualist periodicals received and articles on "The Mission of Women" and obsession and possession by evil spirits. It notably quotes Rousseau that "Man is not made for celibacy, and it is very difficult that a state so contrary to nature not lead to public or hidden disorder."

Issues:Humildade V1 N2 Jan 1907
Humildade V1 N3 Feb 1907
Humildade V1 N4 Mar 1907
Humildade V1 N5 Apr 1907
Humildade V1 N6 Jun 1907
Humildade V1 N7 Jul 1907

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