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Periodical: Gnosi

Summary: From Pat Deveney's database:

Rivista di Studi Teosofici / Revista Bimestrale di Teosofia.
1920--1936 Bimonthly
Turin, Italy.
Language: Italian.
1/1, June-July, 1920 -1936 (?)
32 pp., L.10 in Italy, L.15 beyond.

This was a standard Adyar Theosophical journal of the period with contributions by Annie Besant, C.W. Leadbeater, Alcione, et al., with articles by Italian Theosophists and excerpts from Claude Bragdon, Bulwer-Lutton, Jollivet Castelot, Hubbe-Schleiden, Leon Denis and other authors. Archivo General de la Guerra Civil Espanola.

Issues:Gnosi V1 1920
Gnosi V2 1921
Gnosi V3 1922
Gnosi V4 1923
Gnosi V5 1924
Gnosi V6 1925
Gnosi V7 1926
Gnosi V8 1927
Gnosi V9 1928

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