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Periodical: The Glowworm

Summary:  From Pat Deveney's database:

Glowworm, The.
Advocate for Misapprehended SPIRIT-PHILOSOPHY, and a Defender of its Adherents.
The Glowworm Shows the Matin to be Near
1869 Monthly
Melbourne, Australia. Editor: B.S. Naylor, editor and publisher.
1/1, November 1869. 12 pp., 6d.

This is described as the first spiritualist journal in the colony—i.e., in Victoria. Noted in "Journals Devoted to Spiritualism" in Year-Book of Spiritualism for 1871, which mentions that there were more than 20 mediums in Melbourne at the time, "many of whom belong to the upper ranks of society, including the legislature." The journal seems to have been begun in reaction to what the editor calls a "score of vituperious expressions" carried in the local newspapers and in the pulpit that had labeled spiritualists as "Cunning Imposters, who trade on the credulity of Weak-minds."

Issues:Glowworm V1 N1 Nov 30 1869
Glowworm V1 N2 Dec 31 1869

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