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Periodical: Galileen

Summary: From Pat Deveney's database:

Galileen, Le.
Philosophie religieuse du Chistianisme ramene e a a sa purete e primitive. -- Analyse des faits historiques et de eductions au point de vue religieux. -- Unification et re enovation.
Dieu Createur de toutes choses. Individualite de l'ame immortelle. Travail. Solidarite. Tolerance. Progrès constant. Pluralite des existences et des Mondes
1877--1877 Semi-monthly
Ostende, Belgium.
Language: French.
Editor: Dr. Clovis Alexandre Dupuis.
Succeeded by: Revue Belge du Spiritisme (merger of Le Chercheur and Le Galileen)
1/1, January 1877.
16 pp., 6 francs in Belgium and 7 francs for members of the Postal Union.

Dupuis (1847-1877) was a French army doctor who started this journal after collaborating with De Rots, and then died in March of the same year. In January 1878, the journal was merged with Le Chercheur to form La Revue Belge du Spiritisme. The journal contained a memorial on the anniversary of Allan Kardec's death, an article of the "perfection of man by personal education," and proto-science fiction by Leon Denis on "Voyages dans les Espaces Celestes." Noted in Spiritual Scientist, May 1878, and the Spiritualist, March 8, 1878.

Issues:Galileen V1 N4 Apr 1877

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This page was updated on 27-May-24