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Periodical: Flashes of Truth

Summary: From Pat Deveney's database:

Flashes of Truth.
A Monthly Message of Spiritual Uplift and Soul Unfoldment.
Behold I have set before thee an open door and no man can shut it. --Rev. 3:8
Editor: Eleanor Mel.
Publisher: Boston Home of Truth.
1/1, 1940 (?) 28 pp., "Sponsored by Love Offerings."

The issue for March 1946 (Spring issue) survives and recites the reappearance of the journal after the paper shortages of the War. Mel was one of the last active followers of Annie Rix Militz (1856-1924), one of whose Home of Truth she headed in Boston, and Emma Curtis Hopkins. In her teachings she also incorporated the lessons she had learned in Unity. The journal included "Weekly Meditations," advertisements for "Nature Food Centres stores," and uplifting and aspirational exhortations and disquisitions on "Equality and Justice."

Issues:Flashes Of Truth Mar 1946

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